Tag: Health

  • Best Highly Nutritious Foods For Pregnant Woman. Proven List.

    Best Highly Nutritious Foods For Pregnant Woman. Proven List.

    When you come to know that you are pregnant the first question raised in your mind is what I will eat? How many carbohydrates, calories, fats, vitamins, and calcium I should take during these days? If you start thinking about this from the first day and started to implement it on your diet plan –…

  • Postpartum Depression. How Easy To Come Back To Real Life?

    Postpartum Depression. How Easy To Come Back To Real Life?

    The nine months of pregnancy were probably the most overwhelming to you. Swinging between feelings of jubilation, excitement, anxiety, and joy must have been emotionally exhausting. Yet, you pushed through it, because you were reminding yourself that the happiness you will experience once your baby is here will be unmatched. And so it was. Holding…

  • How to Switch From Baby Formula to Milk?

    How to Switch From Baby Formula to Milk?

    As babies grow, a time will come when they would not have any need for exclusive formula meals, especially when they approach a year old. When your child reaches 12 months old, you can then begin to give him or her whole milk. But you must never give that baby skimmed milk, only whole milk…

  • How to Teach Your Toddlers to Wash Hands?

    How to Teach Your Toddlers to Wash Hands?

    Teaching a child to wash hands is a very important aspect of a toddler’s education. It helps them to actually have a mentality of cleanliness. However, teaching a little child to wash his hands may appear to be something that is very simple to do especially if you have not done it before. But hey!…

  • How To Know When Your Baby Is Hungry? 4 Important Signs.

    How To Know When Your Baby Is Hungry? 4 Important Signs.

    Understanding the baby’s needs can be very challenging for new parents, especially during the first months. Does he need breastfeeding? A diaper? Is he in pain? These are questions that cross parents’ minds whenever their newborn is crying. It is even more difficult when your attempts to calm your baby fail. Our world is still…

  • Your Baby Have Colics in Tummy? Try These Easy 6 Tips!

    Your Baby Have Colics in Tummy? Try These Easy 6 Tips!

    Do you have a baby who cries ceaselessly for several hours at a stretch and is resistant to all your efforts to soothe it? The chances are that there is the presence of colics in baby tummy. The earlier you realize the same, the easier it becomes to make your child peaceful in a short…

  • Baby Sleep Overview. Useful Tips.

    Baby Sleep Overview. Useful Tips.

    Have you become a parent recently? Having a baby is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. However, with it comes a set of major responsibilities that you need to carry out as a parent. Right from parenting your child to taking care of his or her special needs, training your child, and…

  • Health Checks You Need To Take Before Getting Pregnant

    Health Checks You Need To Take Before Getting Pregnant

    Rather than view pregnancy as a journey of nine months, it is safer to consider it a journey that involves several years. Suffice it to say that pregnancy is a year-long condition. Hence, intending mothers must be prepared to partake in this journey by carrying out simple practices that will preserve their health and well-being…