Health Checks You Need To Take Before Getting Pregnant

health check doctor

Rather than view pregnancy as a journey of nine months, it is safer to consider it a journey that involves several years.

Suffice it to say that pregnancy is a year-long condition. Hence, intending mothers must be prepared to partake in this journey by carrying out simple practices that will preserve their health and well-being during and after conception.

Most times, doctors emphasize the need to keep the state of health in great condition in the first few weeks of pregnancy and some days before conception. However, health issues may take a longer period to address while the habits could be tough to abandon. In any case, women must understand that preconception health is sacrosanct.

If you are a woman and planning for conception, there are some health checks that you must tick off your ‘to-do’ list today.

The Lancet, an online medical journal, shows a few papers where a certain research team could prove that the health of a pregnant woman and that of her baby greatly depends on her health in the periods before the actual pregnancy or conception.

 For many years, several medical personnel has denounced smoking and the practice of consuming alcohol during conception. The reason is that they lead to the risk of preterm (or premature birth = anytime before 37 weeks) and low birth weight.(1).

Also, both scenarios are precursors for the high occurrence of diabetes and heart disease in such women in further years. In addition, the team also highlights that poor nutrition and obesity are causes of complications in pregnancy such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Preeclampsia – This is a condition that leads to an impaired liver or kidney function due to heightened blood pressure and urinal protein. (2)

Therefore, no one can really overemphasize the need for women to lead better lifestyles because of its key role in family planning. Without mincing words, the adolescence stage is a great stage of life to lead a healthy life even though the period is synonymous with several vices such as poor diet, smoking, and consumption of alcohol. (3)

Preparing For Your Preconception Checkup

The fact that you are not pregnant at the moment doesn’t mean you should prepare your body for one (except you are considered other forms of childbirth). Regardless, you have to do a proper renovation or reconstruction of your body via a complete preconception checkup.

With a top-to-bottom scrub and a tune-up, your body will be armed against health issues and ensure a smooth transition during the nine months.

To start with, a gynecologist will be your first point of call. Therefore, it is time to dust the racks and get the best gynecologist in town. If you have one already, then you are in luck. Nevertheless, you must be prepared to answer a series of questions.

So, you may consider the appointment to be a less formal interview to prepare you for motherhood. Here are a few tips about what to expect.

Birth Control Type

No matter the type of birth control, the doctor will have to determine when to stop the routine. Also, you will get proper information about the duration of waiting before conception. Based on the menstrual cycle pattern, the normal menstrual cycle is restored within 30 days of quitting the birth control pill – whether it is the extended cycle type of conventional pills. It means that you may not have to stop popping pills before conception.

Moreover, experiencing at least a normal period before conception helps to estimate the ovulation period and the due date of the baby’s arrival.(4). You may also use condoms before the menstrual cycle normalizes if you plan to wait a few weeks or months.

As an example, progestin injections are long-term birth control methods that may extend the normalization of fertility. In a study where some women discontinued the use of progestin injections, about 50% of them could conceive within 40 weeks after the last injection.

Menstrual cycles

The length of your menstrual cycle and the date of your last period are important indicators for calculating the chances of getting pregnant. More so, you will understand your fertility patterns and how often you should have sex with your partner for conception.

Without a doubt, pregnancy has to do with timing. The sperm and egg must meet when the conditions are right and perfect – and you have to set the tone for these. Having a good knowledge of your menstrual cycle gives signals about the best time to start the conception process.

For instance, your gynecologist will use your information to determine your most fertile dates. If you are like most women, your menstrual cycle should be within the window period of 28 days. From calculations, it means you may get pregnant within 6 days within a month.

These days include the five days before the release of an egg from your ovaries (called ovulation) and the actual day of release. To increase your chances of conception, it is important to have sex with your partner within that window period.(5)

Diet And Lifestyle

We cannot over-flog the significance of diet and lifestyle in preconception. As a result, expect your gynecologist to review what you eat with your smoking and drinking habits if you have any. If need be, the doctor will proffer solutions to boost fertility by suggesting proper modifications in your diet and lifestyle (this includes weight loss as well).

  1. Alcohol – A pregnant woman does not have a particular measurement for alcohol consumption. Therefore, it is best to avoid alcohol or intoxicants.(6)
  2. Smoking – According to the American Lung Association, pregnant women who smoke are liable to risk of infant deaths (10%), preterm deliveries (14%), and low birth weight babies (30%).
  3. Prescription drugs – The variance of prescription drugs makes it unsafe to pop such pills during pregnancy. The reason is that the baby may be subject to birth defects when a pregnant woman pops teratogenic prescription drugs. Before taking any prescription drug, you must consult with your healthcare provider first.
  4. Recreational drugs – Recreational drugs such as marijuana and the likes are indicators for developmental delays, low birth weight, miscarriages, and learning and behavioral problems.
  5. Hazardous chemicals – Similar to teratogenic prescription drugs, hazardous chemicals may expose the baby to such harms. For instance, the first trimester (between three to eight weeks) is the period of the development of the neural tube during which the fetus may be susceptible to attack by pesticides.(7) The neural tube of the baby matures into the brain and the spinal cord. Judging by the time frame, it is the period even before a woman discovers her state of pregnancy.
  6. Herbs – The Food and Drug Administration does not mandate both herbs and herbal remedies. Consequently, there is minute research about the effects of herbs on pregnancy. If you are on an herbal routine, you must consult your healthcare provider.
  7. Stress – Stress may lead to missed and delayed periods – conditions which are tied to the fuzziness of the ovulation cycle which makes it difficult to determine the chances of getting pregnant. Thus, you must reduce or eliminate the activities that stress you. Simple relaxation techniques such as Ayurveda and Yoga are great solutions to tone down your stress levels.
  8. Caffeine – Based on a few studies, there is a link between delayed conception and caffeine consumption. More so, other studies enumerate the high risk of miscarriages among pregnant women consume more than 12 ounces (200 milligrams) of coffee in 24 hours.

You owe your gynecologist the full list of drugs or medications that you take, whether they are over-the-counter prescription drugs, herbal, or vitamin supplements. While some medications are safe for pregnant women, others are not – thus, beware!

Also, the type of product will guide your gynecologist in making the best decision – change in doses, product change, or total discontinuation.

Prenatal vitamins are very important during pregnancy. As stated in the earlier parts of this article, prenatal vitamins can curb or eliminate the risk of neural tube defects.

doctor medical medicine health 42273 1 Health Checks You Need To Take Before Getting PregnantMedical history or chronic conditions

The preconception visit should be a moment of truth; never hide your health status from your healthcare provider or gynecologist. The reason is that some medical conditions must be under strict monitoring or treatment routines before and during pregnancy.

If possible, have an e-record or document that highlights your medical history with your mental health state. Fortunately, the right precautions and care may preserve the health of the baby during pregnancy. Moreover, conditions such as obesity, asthma, diabetes, and high blood pressure can be controlled.

Generally, the healthcare provider may recommend necessary adjustments before conception. If you require special care and attention during conception, the gynecologist will also tell you.

Most recent trip

In as much as this point sounds trivial, it is very important to keep records of your most recent trips. For instance, a trip to a region with a high prevalence of Zika virus could mean that you change your conception plan and wait for longer periods before conception.(8) Since it is for your safety and that of your baby, you must never disregard your healthcare provider’s advice on travel policies.

Family history

The family tree plays a huge role in determining preconception. How green or withered are the leaves of your family tree? – Your doctor can give you details if you provide accurate answers. Unearth everything you need to know about the health status of your bloodline so that the healthcare giver may proffer perfect solutions.

For instance, a family history that highlights a few cases of breast cancer will require that the woman gets a baseline mammogram.(9)

In addition, you must investigate the family history of your partner as well. Conditions such as preeclampsia and type II diabetes are chronic illnesses that require proper monitoring. There are cases of multiple conditions within both families, hence look out for matching or twin trends on both family trees.

Whether it is your medical history or that of your partner, there may be a high risk for serious conditions such as birth defects and cystic fibrosis – and you wouldn’t want any of these except a cheerful and healthy baby. For better information and help, the healthcare provider may also refer you to a genetic counselor to conduct the necessary assessments.

Your age and your partner’s age

There is an increase in chromosomal conditions, pregnancy loss, and fertility problems as you age.(10) In older mothers, you may see a few patterns such as gestational diabetes (a complication in pregnancy).

Likewise, your partner’s age plays an important role. To ensure the safety of the baby, the healthcare provider or gynecologist may consider the impending risks during conception.

Any previous experience with pregnancy

If you have had previous pregnancies, your healthcare provider will like to know. Fortunately, a previous pregnancy helps you to understand your body changes and complications during pregnancy such as:

  • Preterm labor
  • High blood pressure
  • Premature birth
  • Birth defects
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Assisted delivery such as Caesarian-section deliveries

More so, a detected neural tube defect in a previous pregnancy will mean an increase in the folic acid dose than is found in normal prenatal vitamins to prevent a reoccurrence. In case you nurture fears or concerns about a repeated conception, tell the gynecologist so that you can both work out a healthier pregnancy.

How best does your current lifestyle support conception?

An emphasis on healthy lifestyle choices is important for a healthy pregnancy. For instance, you have to manage stress levels, cultivate a healthy diet, and improve your physical health during pregnancy.

Also, overweight and underweight women will need to address their weights beforehand. Most importantly, toxic substances, illegal drugs, and alcohol must be absent in the diet and lifestyle practices.(11)

If you are an addict, your healthcare provider may help you plan methods to quit. Nonetheless, women are advised to attend the Q & A session with their partners because both parties play a huge role in the health of the baby.

Preconception Tests You Must Consider

Now that you have been exposed to the biggies such as folic acid supplements, the ovulation cycle, and general lifestyle habits to avoid, we can dive into the crux of the matter itself – the actual tests your healthcare provider might want to run before planning conception.

Mary Jane Minkin, a Clinical Professor at the School of Medicine at Yale University stresses the importance of scheduling a preconception session according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

  1. Blood test for genetic disorders

Your bloodstream may contain some genetic diseases and you may never know if you do not conduct a blood test. According to the Director of General Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sheri Lawson, of the Johns Hopkins Medicine, certain genetic disorders include:

  • Cystic fibrosis, a condition where thick mucus wreaks havoc on the organs in the body.
  • Sickle trait, a condition that is connected with a particular blood disorder called the sickle cell disease.
  • Tay-Sachs disease, a condition that wreaks havoc on the nerve cells.(12)

When the woman is confirmed to be a carrier of any of such genetic traits, the healthcare provider must cross-reference the result with that of the partner as well. Some studies reveal that when both partners are carriers of a particular recessive gene, the fetus may inherit both genes and become a full carrier at birth.

 As a solution, both partners may opt for in vitro fertilization to avoid the risk of any such genetic disorders.(13)

  1. Glucose test

During pregnancy, a fetus may be at risk of low blood sugar after birth or excessive growth in the fetal stage. More so, the pregnant woman may also be predisposed to a Caesarian section and stillbirths. Hence, you must check out your glucose levels if you have diabetes or are overweight.

To check for any abnormality, a hemoglobin A1C checks the level of blood sugar over the course of 12 weeks.

  1. A thyroid function test

Additionally, the fetus may suffer a restriction in growth in two cases:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Inadequate thyroid hormone for the normal development of the fetus

More so, a large thyroid occurs in the fetus when there are antibodies that over-stimulate the thyroid gland, causing the thyroid to cross the placenta. Meanwhile, doctors find it difficult to diagnose thyroid disorders but a simple blood test may highlight thyroid issues.

  1. Pap smear

Pap smears that are done every two to three years, according to current recommendations, prevent the need for recurrent pre-pregnancy pap smears as long as the results are up to date. The reason is that the healthcare provider will need to conduct biopsy procedures in case of any abnormalities just before conception.

As a note of caution, biopsies are the major causative agents for bleeding and cramping during pregnancy. It is because of the increase in blood flow to the particular.

  1. An STI test

Chlamydia is a serious causative agent of scarring of the Fallopian tubes that could hinder the chances of getting pregnant in the long run. Thus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urge women before or at the age of 25 to screen their systems for the presence of Chlamydia.

Blood tests for the likes of hepatitis B or C, HIV, or syphilis are very important. While syphilis may cause abnormalities, hepatitis B and C and HIV are transmittable diseases.(14)

A general medication cross-check is important to ensure that you are popping the right pills during pregnancy. For instance, women with high blood pressure, traces of epilepsy, and depression traits may consult their healthcare providers to cross-examine their medications.

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