• Proven Benefits Of Relaxation And Massage During Pregnancy.

    Proven Benefits Of Relaxation And Massage During Pregnancy.

    Let’s cut to the chase; having a baby takes away most of the spare time you thought you had. If you are a first-timer, you must make appropriate plans to engage yourself in meaningful relaxation activities before the arrival of the baby. The time frame is shorter for pregnant women who have had kids. Indeed,…

  • Baby Sleep Overview. Useful Tips.

    Baby Sleep Overview. Useful Tips.

    Have you become a parent recently? Having a baby is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. However, with it comes a set of major responsibilities that you need to carry out as a parent. Right from parenting your child to taking care of his or her special needs, training your child, and…

  • Breastfeeding. Overview.

    Breastfeeding. Overview.

    After childbirth, everything may seem to faze you. While you are healing from the pains of delivery, you are getting to know your baby. Life becomes bewildering as you experience repeated baby blues with increased discharge of milk from your mammary glands – especially in the first two to five days of delivery. More so,…

  • Baby First Bath. Full Guide. Why You Should Delay?

    Baby First Bath. Full Guide. Why You Should Delay?

    Introduction Several new mothers like you are of the thinking that infants get their first bath right after birth. After nine months of carrying your baby, it is only normal that you cannot wait to get your hands over him or her! You are not alone. But before you get too excited about your ‘mommy’…

  • How Talking And Singing Can Affect Your Future Baby

    How Talking And Singing Can Affect Your Future Baby

    Indeed, your baby will benefit a lot from the sound of your voice. It is because the baby finds sounds to be calming while in the womb and at birth. A certain study reveals that unborn babies have a tendency to respond to sounds and vibrations as heir movement patterns and heart rates change. Basically,…

  • 12 Things You Want To Know About Newborns

    12 Things You Want To Know About Newborns

    Most first-time mothers are always aghast at the thought of the myriads of changes that motherhood presents. And for the bulk of these people, the simple reason for their state of reasoning is the lack of preparation before the arrival of their newborns. Your newborns are tenderer than eggs, and you have to treat them…

  • Health Checks You Need To Take Before Getting Pregnant

    Health Checks You Need To Take Before Getting Pregnant

    Rather than view pregnancy as a journey of nine months, it is safer to consider it a journey that involves several years. Suffice it to say that pregnancy is a year-long condition. Hence, intending mothers must be prepared to partake in this journey by carrying out simple practices that will preserve their health and well-being…

  • How To Choose Best Time For Pregnancy

    How To Choose Best Time For Pregnancy

    There is no limit to the joy that comes with starting a family. The period can be both exciting and agonizing – but it depends on what you make out of it. Throughout life, one of the highly ranked rewarding yet life-changing decisions is making babies. And if you are feeling anxious as you read…

  • Everything You Need To Know About Ovulation

    Everything You Need To Know About Ovulation

      According to Cleveland Clinic, a female fetus comprises about 106 to 2×106 oocytes in the ovaries at birth. In simple terms, oocytes are immature eggs in the female reproductive system. Surprisingly, that is all the eggs the female will ever produce. At puberty, the remaining number of eggs is about 300,000 in total. During…