
How to Teach Your Toddlers to Wash Hands?

hand wash kids

Teaching a child to wash hands is a very important aspect of a toddler’s education.

It helps them to actually have a mentality of cleanliness.

However, teaching a little child to wash his hands may appear to be something that is very simple to do especially if you have not done it before. But hey! It is actually very difficult. Research even revealed that it is almost impossible to get adults to practice handwashing let alone toddlers.

The study also reveals that only two out of every three adults actually wash their hands as soon as they leave the toilet.  

However, I have done research to find out how we can simplify this seemingly difficult process.

Right here in this article, you will find useful tips that will show you how to teach your toddlers to wash hands, and at the same time have fun with the process. These tips are helpful in teaching your kids to wash hands, and I am sure you will find it so.

Whenever you see a group of kids playing together, a lot of things go on there. They do not only share their toys with their friends, but they also transfer germs from one person to another in the process.

It is almost impossible to keep your toddler from certain things especially if they have reached a playful age. The best you can for them is to ensure they are always clean. And handwashing is one of the simple ways to ensure that your child is always clean and germ-free.

If you teach them hand washing the right way, it will become something very simple and quick to do. It is actually one of the effective methods you can apply to keep your toddlers healthy while they are up and playing. Hence, practicing the right handwashing methods is very important.

How then can we possibly inculcate this very important handwashing habit in our toddlers? The very first step is for you to actually have that habit yourself.

How else can you teach someone something you know nothing about? It is impossible in my opinion.

You have to learn and master the habit of handwashing before you will begin to actually find it easy to teach your kids. Let them see you do it often, and learning the act will become easy.

It was discovered in a study that 50 percent of all illnesses that are related to foods, occur as a result of poor handwashing habits (1).

For example, Medical reports have it that sometimes, hepatitis A that occurs in toddlers at toddler classes has a direct link with the teachers’ poor handwashing habit after using the toilet or removing the child’s diapers.

Such disease pathogen as E. Coli, certain viruses, and Shigella, can be contracted through poor handwashing habits of the people involved. It is also possible to avoid certain respiratory-related infections, hand washing is about the easiest and fastest way to combat flu (2) if only we can have good handwashing habits.

Not just washing with only water but using water together with soap, you can also include hand sanitizers. However, hand sanitizers do not keep dirty hands clean, only use them after you have washed and dried your hands.

Advise your kids to always wash their hands before and after every meal, as soon they leave the toilet, and after doing a whole lot of things like playing, or touching animals.  Tell them how to do it practically, and try not to get frustrated.

Doing this is important because a lot of things are contaminated and you wouldn’t want such contamination around your dwelling. It may take some time to finally cultivate the habit of handwashing and make it a part of you this statement is in accordance with APIC (3).

Kids only understand that they need to wash their hands when they are visibly dirty. They do not understand the underlying germs that are in even the hands that appear to be mostly clean, that is why it is your duty as a parent to teach them how to always wash their hands whenever they do something with them.

hand wash kids

Below Are Our Helpful Tips to Help You Understand How to Teach Your Toddlers to Wash Hands

  1. Use a Stool That They Can Climb on:

You understand that they are toddlers and certainly will not be tall enough to reach the washing sink themselves.

You can’t hold them up either because you definitely need your hands to help wash theirs.

Therefore, getting a stool that they can climb on is a necessary step to adopt in this process. It will enable them to get to the water without you having to hold them.

  1. Use Warm Water

The reason for this point is not far-fetched.

You wouldn’t want to use hot water as this could scare your toddler away. And they may even begin to be afraid of you.

Also, you wouldn’t want to use cold water as well because this could keep your toddlers mind on the cold water and how it is affecting their body rather what you actually want them to learn. Therefore, it is important to use warm water in this regard.

The temperature may decide whether or not your toddler wants to have anything to do with the process.   

  1. Use A Liquid Soap that Has Fine Scent, and One that Foams Well

Do not forget that you are dealing with a toddler here.

If the soap you are using does not have an attractive smell and does not form bubbles, chances are that your toddler may not be interested in what you are doing.

For example, if you use a fine scented soap, your toddler would want to keep washing those hands over and over and keep on smelling them.

The idea behind it is that toddlers are much interested in things that are exciting, it is a natural instinct.

  1. Create A Playful Scene with The Process

Like I said earlier, toddlers are only interested in things that excite them, and one of those things play.

Toddlers cannot do without play, that is why it is necessary to create a playful scene with the process of teaching them how to wash their hands.

Let them splash off the water and play with the soap, and even mess themselves up with it, they aren’t going to get hurt, it only helps you make the learning even more fun and interesting for them to want to have an interest in doing it.

However, that particular place may leave much to be desired, you would have to clean it up and that may cost you some valuable time.

  1. Sing playful songs during the process:

It is recommended that scrubbing the hands for at least: 20 seconds will be enough to eliminate germs and keep the hands clean (4).

Singing interesting and playful songs for at about 20 seconds as you consciously teach your toddler how to wash his hands will definitely keep all his attention on what you are doing.

  1. Use a Handwashing-Chart

A Hand-Washing Chart could be something that will serve to remind your toddlers to wash their hands, every time they do or touch something. Create a Hand-Washing Chart that will display every occasion that calls for hand washing.

Give rewards when they remember to wash hands on their own. Kids love rewards and validation, also, you should try to make it an involving process.

  1. Use the Glitter Hands Method

Glitter hands also work like magic.

It is one of the helpful tips on how to teach your toddlers to wash hands and keep the habit. How does this work?

The glitter, in this case, will be the germs. Get some people who would volunteer, then splash colors of different types on their hands.

Let your toddlers get a handshake with these people or play with them. After a while instigate them to check their hands and notice the dirt on them.

This method works on their psyche, it makes them actually know that they get hands soiled from an association with different people.

Hence, they will begin to feel the need to always wash their hands.

With the glitter method, your toddlers will feel challenged to wash their hands. And they begin to wash hands anytime they do similar things even without the glitter.

However, you should start off using a wipe or a towel to clean off the dirty then gradually progress to using water and soap. And again, avoid cold water or hot water. As a matter of fact, the glitter method requires that you use soap and lukewarm water to effectively remove the glitter. Use the glitter to convey the necessity of developing proper handwashing habit.

  1. Have Patience

Teaching toddlers anything at all takes a lot of time and effort, however, you should be patient enough to persevere through the process and help your toddler to learn.

There are times they would not want to get involved in what you are doing, that is normal.

Do not force them rather persuade them, show them rewards to be gained from doing your bidding, and they will cooperate. Sometimes you could find yourself giving more assistance than you bargained.

Come to think of it, you would also be washing your hands in the process too, and you should always endeavor to wash yours under running water and never use still water because you could go over the contamination again.

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