10 Things You Should Know Before Getting Pregnant

Things You Should Know Before Getting Pregnant

Getting pregnant is a major life-decision. It is not something you come up with after a day or two of thinking. It takes much longer than that to decide whether or not you should get pregnant, considering many factors.

Besides your financial situation, work, and your ability to manage to babysit along with the different tasks you already have every day, there is a list of things every couple must know before deciding to have a baby.

You might often hear this, but communication is the key to build healthy relationships. Thus, we insist on the importance of discussing the following aspects with your significant other before taking the big decision.

Talking things through will help you set the right expectations from each other, and put both of you on the same page. So that once your little one is here, you will be ready as a couple to tackle all the responsibilities that will come along.

Not only that, it will show you the gaps each one might have regarding taking care of a baby, and the multiple important steps you must be prepared for during the pregnancy.

In this list, we will introduce you to the main points that we believe are essential to know, while suggesting solutions that you and your partner can adopt to make raising your angel easier and in the best circumstances possible.

So here is the list of 10 Things You Should Know Before Getting Pregnant

  1. Your Medical History Matters

The couples’ medical record can highly affect the couple’s chances of getting pregnant.

This can partly explain why, in some cases, we hear of some couples who have been trying to get pregnant for months, without any results. The cause behind this can potentially be if one of the partners previously had any sexually transmitted infections.

In other cases, it can also be due to ovulation issues for the woman, such as irregular menstrual cycles, imbalanced hormones, or even drug abuse, as the American Pregnancy Association explains (1).

For this reason, it is important to have regular consultations with your partner and talk to your doctor to get the most effective action to take for a successful pregnancy.

  1. The Effect Of Your Lifestyle

Preparing for a healthy pregnancy starts a long time before getting pregnant.

A thing all couples must keep in mind is that every decision they made before can have an impact on the pregnancy.

Either the food they were having, the medicines they were taking or the negative habits they kept for so long (like smoking, for instance), can either shorten or extend the period of trying to get pregnant.

Hence, it is always the right decision to follow a healthy lifestyle, adopt diets that will supply your body with the right nutrition it needs, and workout plans that will help you get rid of excessive weight.

  1. Get Answers For Every Question

Many questions can arise in every couple’s mind when trying to get pregnant. These questions are often unspoken of, either because one of the partners is too afraid to ask, or even worse, considering the answer irrelevant.

As a matter of fact, every single question is important, big or small. Questions such as: « what are your opinions on co-sleeping? Are you planning to have a child following the same diet as you if you are vegan? What beliefs or religion are you going to teach your little one ? » can make a big difference.

Therefore, discussing such topics can help couples avoid many arguments that can be caused by these differences in the future.

  1. Babysitting

Future parents with full-time jobs can face a real challenge when their baby is born. As they both work all day long, it can be difficult to manage to babysit.

Thus, it is crucial to decide whether or not you would like to have a babysitter to take care of your baby when you are both working, or are you going to keep it at one of the parents’ house.

Deciding where the baby is going to spend the day when you are both absent can be relieving, and will make you more prepared when your angel is finally here.

Things You Should Know Before Getting Pregnant

  1. Financial Responsibilities

Money talk is something most couples try to avoid, as the difference in opinions regarding it can lead to serious problems in some situations. However, it is not a subject to neglect, as that may cause even worse consequences.

Therefore, you must take the time to sit and discuss this topic in a calm environment. And while doing so, remember that you are a team, and try to make equal compromises to receive your baby in the best conditions.

  1. Reactions To Conflict

Arguments are inevitable in relationships. Your partner probably did things in the past that made you furious and will mostly do other things in the future. And the same goes for you. Humans make mistakes. That’s just how things are.

But what makes all the difference is how you choose to react in such situations. You might be into the habit of leaving the house whenever a conflict arises. However, that must no longer be your behavior when your baby is here.

Thus, every couple should try to work on their reactions and improve their behavior even before pregnancy. This will allow your baby to grow next to parents who know how to calmly sort things out. 

  1. Managing Your Relationship

Pregnancy and everything that comes afterward can be exhausting. No, it is never in our intentions to scare you, but simply help you set your expectations right.

Having a baby will make your days much busier. Nonetheless, you should not allow it to affect the relationship you have with your significant other.

Hence, we recommend you set some time to dedicate to each other, listen to each others’ stories, complaints, or even silly jokes. What’s important is letting your partner know that he or she is still your priority, and nothing can distract you from him or her.

  1. Personal Space

Sometimes, you or your partner will not have the emotional nor the physical energy to take care of the baby, and that is completely okay.

Giving each other time out when one of you desperately needs some time for self-care, or simply sleep, will empower you to do more on the following days, and give you the strength and patience to successfully overcome all the hardships.

  1. Remind Yourself Of The Long-Term Rewards

Parenting can be tough, especially during the first years. It will make you frustrated, exhausted, and sometimes even angry or sad. This will not make you a bad parent, you are doing your best to raise your baby the healthiest way.

To get through such moments, remind each other that this is just a phase. Your baby will eventually grow, and he or she will be grateful for having the most amazing parents ever.

  1. Be Patient

While it might seem that the first months or years will never end, there will come a day when you will look back and realize how much you miss the days when your son or daughter was a baby.

Cherish the moments you spend with your little one, and be patient with them as they grow to discover who they are and the world around them.

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